Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla, mobil murah yang sedang menjadi kontroversi di Indonesia akhir akhir ini. Astra telah melakukan launching dua mobil murah ini dan siap dilempar ke pasar tanah air. seperti apa penampakannya? cekidot foto Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla dibawah

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla

1 Response to "Mobil Murah : Daihatsu Alya dan Toyota Agla"

  1. Its not the car companies fault, they basically have to consult with the United States and thats were they decide what cars will be sold here. Reasons could range from emissions all the way to marketablility if theres a good enough market for the car then we get it.


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